Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Real Thing........

We have trees that are starting to change colors.  I am glad to see that they will this year unlike last year when they were brownish in color and then just fell to the ground.  The is a real shot of what one actually sees looking out over the corner of my property.

The closer shot eliminates signs and houses but the electric wire has to stay in the shot. The maples near by are just turning slightly but they look like they will be beautiful again this year.


Patsy said...

I can't wait for our Maple to change color. It looks like it is about to turn a yellow and then it should be a bright orange.

Anonymous said...

Maples are a favorite of mine, too. You are surrounded by beauty, Larry. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Linda said...

Larry, how beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

Valerie said...

I feel quite excited when I see the changing colours. I wonder why that is?

Red and Green...