Monday, November 18, 2013

Blue Boy..........

I do know that the painting Blue Boy was a painting of a young man in silk shirt and trousers. This sculpture is a country boy.  This guy does lean forward so I didn't take a crooked photo.  If I ever get my health back I am going to go out and cut back the red twig dogwood.  It is so out of control that I didn't see this sculpture all summer.  That is a strainer that was from a milk separator from years gone by that he sits in on the dirt.


Valerie said...

Nice to see him again, Larry, but don't worry that he's been hidden for a while. I assume he collects rainwater for the birds?

Anonymous said...

Another great photo. Karen and I shared a bedroom as kids, and we had Pinky and Blue Boy pictures over our twin beds.
I am praying for you that you feel better soon.
Hope you both had a restful weekend.
p.s. Wayside Gardens in SC sends us emails with end of season REAL bargains....we are trying to be good and resist buying more plants to take care of!!!!!

Giga said...

Uroczy jest ten niebieski chłopczyk. Szkoda, że jest trochę zapomniany. Pozdrawiam.
Charming is the blue boy. I wish it was a bit forgotten. Yours.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...