Monday, November 11, 2013

Great Friends.......Good People.

I am getting old but I still have a hard time with people coming in and helping me.  I guess I am independent enough in all that I do that I don't lean on people that much.  My kids have lived away from home for years so I don't get people to help out.  I just do it myself.  It is humbling even to have people come and clear my drive of snow in the winter but I usually repay them for that some way with a gift or a free frame job.

Yesterday while burning up the last of my garden and tree trash Norm my good friend and his family and another family came by to rake my yard.  You can see I had plenty of them to rake and they, the eight of them, made quick work of it.  When you get to the end of this sidewalk there is a turn to the right. The other whole sidewalk was also full of leaves.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing to have such thoughtful friends. Your home and yard are beautiful.

Patsy said...

What a joy to see people help each other.

Karen said...

That is so nice. It's wonderful to have friends like that.

Valerie said...

I don't think of you as old, Larry. It's lovely to have good friends and neighbours, and I bet they enjoy helping.

lark said...

It is a blessing to have such wonderful neighbours!

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...