Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Marble Found.......

I found another marble out there in the world.  I don't really remember where I was but it was laying on the floor waiting for me to pick it up.  I wanted to quickly photograph it and on my desk at the time was this artwork by Vernita Bridges.   She is a friend of Della's and I had purchased the work from her off of ebay. I usually lean the rooster up against the wall by my desk but it was laying flat right now for some reason. I believe my meager marble collection has grown by three this year. I believe the rooster was drawn in response to a national election a few years back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the marble and what an interesting photo with the artwork underneath it.
During the night, we had freezing rain. It has warmed a little and is raining heavily now.
