Friday, November 15, 2013

Nest........No or Yes.

I have heard from others that female squirrels make these things.  They remind one of nests but I am not sure that a squirrel really could get inside of one of these.

Gray squirrels are tree-dwelling members of the rodent family of mammals. Both Eastern and Western gray squirrels build nests for sleeping. Adults may rotate between as many as three nests, depending on the population density where they live. These nests are usually occupied either by a single adult squirrel or by a mother and her young. (from the net)

Also from the internet I read that female squirrels store food in them and have baby squirrels in them.  Our old silver maple trees have great holes for them so they can have lots of babies more safely.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a squirrel's nest. Sometimes, I see them make homes in hollow trees too.

We both had blood work this a.m. and were late getting breakfast and COFFEE! All is well now, though!

Hoping you both have a restful weekend.

George said...

We have several squirrel nests like this in the trees around our house.

lark said...

I did not know that squirrels made nests...I have one or 2 that make their territory on my property...each year...I feed them...and they become so tame, coming to my door and windows...taking peanuts from my hand.....then they be replaced by another that takes up this territory....I always wonder what happened? ...I've stopped naming them, and try not to get attached (but I can't help it...they're just too cute)

Valerie said...

This is a first for me, yet we have squirrels aplenty. I think I'd better go on a nest search.

Patsy said...

And they will have plenty of baby's sometimes two sets a year when you feed them like my Bennie.

Linda said...

First time I have heard of a squirrel's nest but anything is possible. Lovely photo, Larry.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...