Monday, December 9, 2013

In The Window Sill.........

There is a snow scene behind the flowers but I decided to post on the positive and not the negative today. The begonia likes the sill here near my computer desk as it is not too warm from the furnace and it gets good light most of the day.  They are not outstanding blooms for a flower but the color can cheer you when it is -4 degrees F. outside.  We are to warm up to 11 degrees F. today.  Once it gets that cold there is no describing any difference from a warmer cold and a colder cold.  One's skin just plain stings with pain as you walk out in it.


Anonymous said...

The begonia is pretty and sure is cheerful. We have cooled off into the 40's and have had RAIN for several days in a row. I'm not sure I could tolerate your bitter temps. Take care.

Karen said...

Pink always cheers me up. I'm glad you have this hint of spring on such a cold day.

Valerie said...

I'm sorry you're having it so cold. The begonia is lovely though.

troutbirder said...

The positive is good. All the snow and cold.... not so.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...