Monday, February 10, 2014


I am looking out the window at birds and the plants are sort of in my way.  I glanced over and there is a bud on the amaryllis plant.  It has never bloomed since we received it as a gift but it has put out foliage for two winters.  I took it to the basement late fall and let it dry completely. I brought it up a month ago and all I was seeing is leaves.  It must have shot up in the last week or so and blended in with everything.  I don't really know what color it is suppose to be so that will be a double surprise.


Anonymous said...

It looks very healthy...can't wait to see the color.

Linda said...

It looks so nice, Larry!

claude said...

Wouaw !
I had one. It has had five flowers and the year after, only leaves. No flowers anymore.

ScrappySandie said...

Nice surprise! Please take more pictures when it blooms! (Thanks!)


 It’s a plant that takes care of itself. I plant small sprigs of it and look at it now. I also see the weeds but I don’t stay home long enou...