Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Winter into Spring.......

I need to shovel my walk.  The only outside person who uses the gate is the person who reads the gas meter.  They usually wait until the snow is almost gone or they make an estimate for the month and will read it next month.  It all averages out so we pay no matter what. One of our weather persons admitted a few days ago that he goes out and measures snowfall on objects when it is a fresh snow like what you are seeing piled up on the planter and fountain.

Snow is in our forecast again tonight.  I don't think it is going to be a large amount.  It seems strange to have the daylight savings time going into effect while it is still dropping snow from the sky.  The bright mornings will be destroyed by getting up in the dark.   I guess I can use all that daylight at the end of the day to see to shovel walks. I must plant my tomato seeds soon.  I must not wait much longer.


Linda said...

Beautiful, Larry, and I love the snow effects as well.

Anonymous said...

I visit a lot of blogs where folks are talking of starting seeds. I just wonder when the snow will finally stop?

claude said...

I undestand why the daffodils do not grow up.
Brrrrr !

Valerie said...

Gosh, is there no end to your snow? I'm not sure if we will have any now... all we saw was one day's snow which didn't settle. I'm not complaining, mind.

Karen said...

It is exciting to think about spring and flowers and vegetable gardens. Hang in there!!

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...