Friday, August 29, 2014

Moving Subject.........

I was surprised to see the hummingbirds coming to this feeder after spending most of the summer ignoring it.  I sit at the dining room table to blog and while blogging yesterday I noticed my little visitor out the window. I went for the camera and on one of his return visits I caught this guy in action.  I at first didn't think the camera caught the wings but it did pick up the blur of them.  He has been back a couple of times today now as I blog but it is hard to take hummingbird pictures. It really is chance and an accident if I ever get a shot of them.   The other day I saw two hummingbirds at the bee balm blooms but that is an impossible shot as they zoom in and zoom out so quickly.  The rains have caused the bee balm stems to now lay on the ground. 


Anonymous said...

How nice to watch the hummers out your window while you blog.

John would often put a long stick or sign post near the feeder and the hummers would sit and rest and we could get a pretty good photo.

Valerie said...

Lucky you to have hummers. Love that feeder, such a cheerful one.

Jeevan said...

Superb shot! Glad you got to capture the buzzing bird, which i ever focused on them. Liked the colors of the feeder

Karen said...

it amazes me how you got the shots of the hummingbird and also the butterfly in your header photo! I'm enjoying the summer color as long as I can. I visited Loose Park, KC, today!

Fern Leafed Peony...