Sunday, September 21, 2014

Relaxing among the Foliage.......

My wife was in the backyard with Button.  Button was going crazy barking at something.  His little tail is wagging all the way shaking his whole body while he looks at what he is barking at in the greenery.  The neighbor's cat is not scared of dogs as he was raised with big dogs.  He just lay there enjoying the coolest of the shade and cool green leaves.  We believe he had the Siamese cat as his mother as he looks like a regular tabby and yet has this deep low unusual voice.  He is not ferel as he was raised in a house full of animals and does like us to pet him.  In fact he sometimes try to come into the house.


Anonymous said...

Kitty has a great place to hang out, but Button does not think so! Funny how some cats are not afraid of anything. Such a sweet face.

Jeevan said...

I have even seen cats hiss at dogs! Very cool capture on the hideout cat :)

Betsy Brock said...

We have a violet patch that looks very similar to this...shady and the perfect place for a cat to lay in with just their head sticking out! I have similar fun! It's nice to have a friendly feline neighbor!

Valerie said...

He looks good nestled among the leaves.

ScrappySandie said...

He looks exactly like the tiger cat we had for 19 years! Thanks for the memory jogger!

A Colorful World said...

He's a cutie. Cats have their own personalities, and you never know how one will be! :-)

Checking for Sunflower Seed......

   It is snowing and the cardinal is hungry. I had just put out fresh seed so many birds were crowding around the tray.