Friday, September 19, 2014

See the Wings........

Hummingbird Moth

I saw one of these the other day out in the orchard area but he was gone when I returned with a camera.  In the late afternoon I saw it again and did grab the camera.  They are a very  hyper moth that just doesn't stay still even when it is sucking nectar from the flowers. The research on these insects tells me they are a poor imposter of a hummingbird.  There are better pictures of these insects on the net that are taken with a faster lens that I have.  I really didn't ever think that I would get this good of photo as the moth doesn't land and stay still. 


Valerie said...

How amazing. I'd never heard of this moth... I live in the wrong country, don't I?

A Colorful World said...

Great job getting photos of it! By the way, that's pretty cool about the entrance to the mtn. bunker for NORAD being in Stargate sometimes.

Snow Falling Today.....