Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunny Cold Sunday..........

The junco birds are the most active at the feeder today as the cold brings many birds to the feeder.  It was 18 degrees F.  when we got up and it had dropped to 4 degrees in an hour and a half.  It has warmed up this afternoon now but it is still cold.  We did get a lot of fluffy snow through the night but it did stop by morning. 


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Brr- that just makes me colder..I feel like a big baby since it is in the 30's here. Nice shot of the junco.

Hilary said...

I don't usually see the juncos perched anywhere. They seem to be ground feeders preferring the seed we'll toss out on the grass/snow for them.. or spillage on the deck. Nice to see this little one navigating the feeder.

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...