Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Guest Photographer......

While at work on Monday, my wife snapped a couple of shots of a bird we have not seen all winter. Because of the topnotch I knew it was a titmouse bird. I think that I have only seen them in books and magazine articles.  Some bird books say they can be in our area but others say it usually stays in southern Iowa.  I am glad my wife caught the glimpse and grabbed the camera.  It was fun to go onto the net and have the bird site share the sounds of the titmouse.  I found that they are cousins to the chickadee and some of there sounds are the same or similar.


The Furry Gnome said...

That new header photo is neat!

claude said...

Pretty little bird !

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I use the bird site alot myself! This is a super catch.

A Colorful World said...

Glad your wife took the photo! He's a pretty little titmouse.

Seadonal Remnant....