Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Show........

A red spot in the typical winter landscape shines out.  They really do brighten an area and they look like they are glowing.


Hilary said...

They do indeed. I've only seen two up here, in passing. I miss them as they were regular visitors at my last home.

Jeevan said...

Obviously outstanding!

Valerie said...

Wonderful sight on a winter's day. Now I know why they are that colour.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your bird photos so much. Catching up this a.m. with your posts. We were in the 60's yesterday afternoon and I took the opportunity to stock up on groceries because I know the cold will return. GA is famous for ice storms in Jan/Feb.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love to spot the cardinal- they are so pretty and brilliant against the snow.

Seadonal Remnant....