Monday, February 23, 2015

A Buggy Ride.....

One of the pieces that are included with our village is packed and ready to slide into the box.  The last of the village made it to the basement on Saturday.  This carriage is one of my favorites among the things we set up with the little town.


George said...

I can understand why this is a favorite -- it's beautiful.

claude said...

Very beautiful ! I love this carriage too.

Valerie said...

Everything about this ornament is lovely. Nice for all times of the year as well as Christmas.

Jeevan said...

Pretty one to keep saved!

Anonymous said...

The accessory pieces for the village really make it special. You are smart to package it in the styrofoam.

We had snow overnight but thankfully the roads are not bad. My oldest cat, Kaboodle, had a seizure this a.m. and I had to rush her to the vet.

Larry, my brother, lives close into Atlanta and was hit hard with ice which closed the expressways.

Hope you two are staying safe and warm as possible.

Karen said...

I really like this! We used to enjoy adding interesting pieces to Mother's village.


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