Saturday, February 7, 2015

Come, Sit....Maybe Later

It is getting to be time to think about spring.  I know it is a few months away but sitting out on the bench again would be a welcomed idea.  Today we start to melt some of this snow off of things. The burning bush next to the bench doesn't look so hot right now. 


Hilary said...

Nothing looks too hot right now but it does look pretty. We're expecting another dump today.. and it has begun.

Karen said...

Beautiful scene, but, Yes, I'm looking forward to spring, too!

Anonymous said...

Today in GA it is in the 70's. Everyone is out working in their yards trying to get a head start on Spring. I have enjoyed looking through the new seed/plant catalogs.

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful photo, Larry! No, I think I'll wait till spring to sit on that bench! :-)

Tuesday Morn....

   The evening shot at the top is almost the same as the morning shot. The earth continues to tilt and look at where the sun is hitting alre...