Sunday, February 15, 2015

Corn Questions......

I have heard that this past year that farmers didn't do well with the price of corn being very low.  It is said it ran around 4 dollars a bushel.  When I was a kid a bushel of corn was a measure by the corn on the cob bushel.  I suppose now it is a bushel of shelled corn.  The corn above from Walmart was expensive if one only got 4 bucks a bushel basket.  That means these ears of corn would only cost about 20 cents an ear.  I don't even want to figure out what I paid for this plastic sack of corn on the cob.  The one ear on the right had kernels that seemed smaller almost like it had been mixed with a pop corn bred.  When I was a kid this corn was fed to the hogs one shovel full at a time.

An added note as Betsy reminds me I didn't tell you that four squirrels will be happy with me for a while until they get the kernels all cleaned off of the cobs. 


Betsy Brock said...

So, who will be enjoying that corn? A squirrel or two?

Valerie said...

I wonder how the farmers make a living, here as well as where you live.
