Monday, February 2, 2015

Many Photos Today.....

I have too many photos taken to only show just one.  A blizzard provides a lot of things in which to snap photos. Picasa must have liked this one as they turned it into this special look with the frame and all. I thought maybe they would put the fake snow effect on it like they did  last year.

Sometimes in the summer I shoot this scene showing the deep green of all the plants and trees.  You can see we received a foot of snow or more.  The yew shrub in front and the burning bush are weighted down to the ground.  There is the ornamental wind mill in the background if you look closely. The snow at first was a very wet snow which helped to weigh every thing down and then it just didn't stop snowing of a whole day.  The eastern states are getting this storm now and they share the effects of it from out there.

The female cardinal and the sparrow are glad to get food.  The wind is blowing them into their faces as they hold on to the top of the feeder.

As the wind keeps blowing snow the birds do have to hold their own while standing in the snow.  The cardinal's topnotch made some interesting shapes as the wind blew it around. At one time the top feathers were blowing scattered like an Indian headdress. The camera person didn't catch that as he was not clicking the camera fast enough.

The record number of bluejays at the feeders is now at 6 at one time.  I took a bunch of photos of it with four at one time on the table while two were in the standing feeder.  I have never seen them come in to eat in groups before now. I guess things are so coverend with snow that they really do have only a chance to eat at free feeding sites. I have pictures of more at one time at the feeder but they are on the other camera. As I said before I have so many photos that I will be sharing large numbers of them each day until I have to go back to one photo a day.


Patsy said...

Your new camera is giving you great photo's.
enjoyed them very much.

Linda said...

Dear Larry,

You have made my day with your gorgeous winter photos!!! I love the winter. It was the coldest day here today thus far in Montreal, and I went out, of course dressed warmly, and took a lovely walk and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Karen said...

Thank you for sharing the awesome pics. Amazes me how you get such clear pics of the birds! We haven't had much snow yet.

Mourning Dove.....

 It is cold and the dove chose to just sit on the feeder.  It is a place out of the wind chilled air.