Saturday, February 21, 2015

Seeing Red Again.......

I put out the good stuff this morning and this guy was casing the joint. The bright spot of red sitting in the lilac and then to the mock orange bush. He then finally is swooping in for a feast.

I am sharing a second shot with a surprise sight in it.  I wanted to get the shot of the two eating as it makes up sort of a story about the personality of the cardinal.  But then look at the sparrow coming in for a landing, just like a helicopter.  Bird is suspended in the air.


The Furry Gnome said...

Great pix!

Hilary said...

It doesn't take them long to figure you out.

Valerie said...

Cardinal and sparrow seem to get on okay together. I didn't actually notice the other bird flying in until I read your words. Nice!

Jeevan said...

excellent capture... and cardinal is so stunning in red. good to see sparrow sharing frame with cardinal.


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