Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blending Into the Background......

While I was blogging yesterday two of these doves came flying in and landed in the backyard.  They are so much bigger than the common wild birds. My brain tends to think they are huge invaders when they are just doves.  The morning dove is bigger than these Eurasian Collard-necks.  They were not after food but they wanted water.   My fish tank pond out there is one third full of water from snow melt.  They were trying to figure out how to drop down into that tank, which there is room for them, and land on the bricks that normally hold the filter. 

I never really did see them accomplish it but I went out and placed a tray of water nearby to help them out.  It is said that we need rain even after all the snow and I am sure there aren't many places for them to find open water in town.  I will try to keep the tray of water topped off for the other birds too. My bird baths need to be dumped and I could put fresh water in them too. While sitting here blogging a small squirrel is filling himself up and there are small flakes of snow coming from the sky.  They won't last long but it does give out a nice special effect to see.


Hilary said...

Our mourning doves don't stick around all winter but one appeared the other day. It was nice to see.

claude said...

I have a couple of these doves in my backyard but I think one has been killed by a cat. I found feathers on the grass. Now I see one only.
It is a beautiful bird ; your mourning doves too. They look like the doves I saw Martinique Island.
Have a nice week-end !

Valerie said...

We had two collared doves in the winter but they have disappeared. It is sad because we used to have a lot of them... now they've been replaced by flocks of woodpigeon.

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