Friday, March 27, 2015

Doing the Twist......

The hairy woodpecker is happy with the new suet cake that I had just put out for him. I saw some great shots that my camera never captured.  I though this was the best example of the bird with him twisting himself back and forth pulling seeds out of the suet. I could not click the camera fast enough to capture the perfect side view of his face that he was giving me. I am going to keep trying as he returns to the feeder often.

The one thing that I learned this winter for the first time is the differences between the downy woodpecker and the hairy woodpecker.  The downy is smaller with a shorter beak.  I have learned to instantly know which one it is now as I can see if the woodpecker is longer than the suet holder it is a hairy woodpecker.


Anonymous said...

We hear woodpeckers in the woods behind us. Occasionally I get a glimpse but no photos. Thanks for sharing yours.

Betsy Brock said...

He's a handsome bird! I need to put my suet holder back didn't get done all winter!

Valerie said...

I admire your perseverance, Larry. It certainly pays off.

A Colorful World said...

They are all so funny using their tails to "hold on" while feeding!

Linda said...

Lovely photos, Larry. I have only seen a woodpecker here in Montreal once...and I got a photo of it but unfortunately couldn't get too close and I didn't have a distant lens. Your photos are beautiful, thanks so much for sharing.

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