Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dinosaur Digger..........

As a result of installing a culvert at the corner of my property too low in the ground the crew has all returned to rework the ditch.  The monster here is actually parked in my neighbors front yard ditch.  They had to go back and dig out the neighbor's drive culvert and put it back in lower.  The ditch is in the process of being lowered from my corner to the end of the next block so the water can flow down hill. Maybe  I could borrow the keys and dig a swimming pool in my backyard tonight before they return in the morning.


Anonymous said...

I love your humor. Oh dear not good.

What a lot of mixed up goings on for

Go ahead Go make a pool in your back yard.

Your family will hug you for that.

claude said...

I knew that for our pool. I hate to have this kind of monsters in my backyard.

A Colorful World said...

Hope you got that pool dug, and none the wiser! :-)

Anonymous said...

John is always threatening to steal the keys for a beast like this and do some serious yard work!
