Friday, June 19, 2015

Meet the Family...

I first saw an extra set of eyes up in the nest but I wasn't so sure what was up there.  I had to run and get the camera and use the zoom to see that this baby was not going to sit under his parent anymore.

As I walked around the tree I see that the two eggs that mourning doves usually raise have become young birds.  The male sits on the eggs in the day and the female sits on them at night.  I did not see the two being fed by the parent.  Yesterday she was still sitting on the two of them and today as you can see they are just too large to be kept warm. The net shared the information that the flimsy nest they build sometimes don't hold onto the eggs when the adult flies out of it.  I can't believe these three can stay in this nest at one time.  I was really excited to be able to catch these photos.


Anonymous said...

How sweet! I can't believe you were able to get such a clear photo.

Wishing you two a nice weekend.

Betsy Brock said...

Some of your very best photography! What sweet captures!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wow- that's a neat capture, and I'm with you- I can't believe all of them fit in the tiny nest.

The Furry Gnome said...

Great photo!

claude said...

So cute. At home under the porch very next to the door-window of the living room a female carolina wren is incubating her eggs.

Valerie said...

Wonderful shots, Larry. That camera of yours is amazing.

Jeevan said...

Look like the chicks have grown almost the size of parent birds and would take wings soon.

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