Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Heavenly Blues One More Time.....

It rained all afternoon on Tuesday.  I am glad I had my work done in the morning.  The air felt like it could have put out sleet instead of rain. The glories continue and someday soon they will be no more. Some photographers carry a spray water bottle with them so they can create this effect on flowers.  Mine was created naturally from rain falling from the sky. It actually was a sprinkle as rain seems to take out the glories.


The Furry Gnome said...

And it's raining all day today here. Those really are a heavenly blue!

Cranberry Morning said...

Lovely blue, Larry. It's been raining the past couple days here. They're talking of snow tonight. Blech.

claude said...

I love this flower and above all its color.
I saw the squirrel, so cute.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Gorgeous blue color- something I'm not seeing much around here. We have the grey dullies going on again today. Looks like more rain for the weekend, too. Boo!

Maria said...

Hello Larry,

What an appropriate title to go with the photo!

It also rained here in my city yesterday after long humid and dry days - it was such a relief!


Valerie said...

A fantastic shade of blue... sad that these flowers will soon be done - until next year.

Thank you, Larry. The change of font colour is much easier for me.

Jeevan said...

Awesome capture with the blue glories... and nothing could give the feel of natural showering and freshness it provide. It’s raining here too and the monsoon has just set in to cool the environment.


 The starling comes in with large numbers giving it an ability to have a gang attitude. The rain has wet the feathers a little bit on its he...