Saturday, October 24, 2015

Inside the Dark Side.........

The darker side of a balsam pine tree.  The tree is old and has grown very tall.  The old Christmas tree lights still hang inside next to the trunk from when the tree was a lot smaller.  Wire and plastic does not decay.  I had three of these trees.  The other two were planted next to the alley.  When we had the tornado come through town it snapped both of them off at their  lower trunks.  This one was protected by the house and neither the house nor tree were effected by the strong winds. Others down the street didn't save their houses.


Betsy Brock said...

And you didn't have the urge to reach up and pull those lights out? haha...

Jeevan said...

I think you could remove the wires and bulbs to leave it nature quite.

Valerie said...

I take it the lights no longer work. Or do they?
