Friday, October 2, 2015

Life and Death.............

The skeletal remains of a zinnia tells the story of winter being just around the corner. I went outside late afternoon yesterday and took a few shots.  It is definitely fall and in many ways feels like winter.  We had windchill charts this morning to view to show how the temps are dropping.

To counterbalance the dismal shot above I will share a cheery shot of the Heavenly Blue morning glory.  It was too tall for me to take a good shot from above it. When I shot this from beneath I was surprised to see the transparency of the bloom.   The particular variety bloomed around noon yesterday in cold wind and stayed open all night.  At two in the morning it was still trumpeting towards the sky and is still open this morning.  It is the first morning glory that I have ever had like this as most of mine bloom and shrivel up so quickly.


Linda said...

Beautiful, Larry, and your header is stunning. A reminder that we should strive to 'live in the moment' and enjoy life, and appreciate all the people and nature around us.

Valerie said...

Actually, there's a certain beauty in the skeletal zinnia.

Jeevan said...

Interesting capture from the bottom of the flower... and the transparency and the blue sky merges wonderful. Windchill always make me feel shiver. Stay warm my friend :)

Anonymous said...

A unique and lovely shot! Reminds me of an old fashioned ladies' parasol!

Fern Leafed Peony...