Friday, November 13, 2015

A Forest Floor......

The title sounds good but really it is just an area under my burning bush where all the leaves are collecting.  Our strong winds took out a lot of dead sticks from the trees and also helped to strip off the leaves of the burning bush's weakest.

There are leaves still on the shrub but they are a lot thinner and the lighter colored leaves seem to still be hanging on to the branches. They look like pink burning bushes.  We had a good freeze last night so I suspect they will be dropping the next few days.


Cranberry Morning said...

Larry, that is so beautiful. What a generous Creator we have who gave us all good things, including beautiful color and texture!

Karen said...

Yes, We had strong wind here and it looks like confetti under our Bradford Pear today!

Jeevan said...

The leaves make wonderful floor! Hope it becomes more burning color

Architecture with Frosting....