Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Those of the city who apparently know more about these things than me are taking this tree.  Small city government is always out there making decisions to better our city.  I have two of these old trees marked and one 10 year old red maple that seems to offend them.  They all will be removed at the city's expense. History doesn't really matter much anymore and the leaves from these trees are detrimental to the flow of the water in their ditch.  The sign of the times in this town is trees really don't matter. 


Cranberry Morning said...

What is the matter with those people?? Is the tree sick and dying and spreading disease, or do they just have something against natural beauty ! (not to mention bird habitat, squirrel food, shade... ... ...)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I am so sorry! A couple of weeks ago the electric company cut one side of my parent's big pine tree to the trunk. It made my mother cry because they knew that tree from nut practically and a young grandson of a friend had replanted it in their front yard. The trimmers massacred the tree, and like I said- really upset my mom. So I know how you feel.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Betsy Brock said...

Well, that's too bad! I always hate to see a tree come down!

The Furry Gnome said...

Too bad for a nice looking tree!

Valerie said...

It shouldn't be allowed, those trees are the fabric of the place.

Jeevan said...

Cutting of trees isn't a good sign anywhere! I hate to see trees cut down in numbers along our highways here
