Monday, November 2, 2015


I  normally don't take the shot from this side of the windmill as the neighbor's house is in view.  But this time I had to do it because the sunlight was shining through the leaves. The wild grapevine has been great for me as if I had planted it there on purpose.  I will leave it along and maybe next spring it will be back.

Taking the shot with the sun to my back does make for a good photo. The windmill leans a lot and I didn't have the strength to make right again.  I will have to take a spade and dig around its legs to get standing vertical again.  I have fence post wired to it to keep it from falling over completely.  The last time it took a great tumble was when the tornado came through the area. That is why some of the blades are gone from it.


Cranberry Morning said...

Nice, Larry. I'm very fond of windmills great and small. :-)

Jeevan said...

Pretty frames on the windmill and I like light present in the first one... Like to see it work, again!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...