Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Good Morning.........

A photo I took a year ago this month.  The squirrels had lots of babies this spring but they have all dispersed to different territories.  In fact I don't think we have as many squirrels as we did last year at this time.  I am wondering if the road construction activities scattered them.

I did see that I can buy 40 pound bags of shelled corn now, that is intended to also feed the deer.  I may invest in one of those as the corn on the cob seems to be three times the price as the one with shelled corn in the bag.  I will be tempted to buy the ear corn though for fun in a winter storm.  The really appreciate finding it out there for them in order to help themselves.


Linda said...

Good morning and 1st of December, Larry! What a sweet little face to see on my screen. Thank you, your photo is gorgeous! :)

Betsy Brock said...

What a great photo! He sure is cute!

Valerie said...

Oh I love that picture. He looks so cute and a lot friendlier than my grey squirrels.


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