Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Two Angels.....

I try different shots each year of my wife's angels that are on display at Christmas. The automatic camera created a special effect for me by giving the foreground a softer focus than the background tree. The bay window was letting in a lot of light this morning even though it is snowing.  The snow on the ground reflects a lot of light even at night when we have a full moon.

The green cloth ornament in a shape of an elephant was given to Andy now some 40 years ago when he was first born.  The teacher that lived in Sidney, Iowa, I am sure, is not living anymore.  The front end of the elephant is in the top photo and the bottom end is in the one to the right here.


Hilary said...

Nice lighting in these shots. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. Happy New Year to you and yours, Larry.

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty angel and photograph. How special the elephant ornament is.

Betsy Brock said...

Pretty! A nice addition to the Christmas decor!

White, White….

 This is always an early bloomer and a heavy bloomer.