Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Memory Lane......

A percolator is a thing of the past but this one sits in the stand at school where I am working to sell coffees with flavors.  The stand is the school concession stand in evenings. Someone must have brought it in to heat water.  I don't know if they sell coffee but I doubt it. Maybe they use it to heat water for oatmeal. My students just clarified that and yes it is the heater for instant oatmeal water.

I remember how coffee making was such a process.  Some people would not switch over the the drip coffee maker while others poured boiling water through a filter apparatus with coffee grounds in it.  I know I have stored somewhere one of the glass ones with all the glass parts.  It was in my early years of making coffee. One didn't make large amounts of coffee like one can do with the current drip coffeemakers.


Cranberry Morning said...

Yeah, Grandpa's percolator was on all day long from early morning. By evening the coffee was a little like caffeinated syrup. LOL Fun photo, Larry!

Jeevan said...

We make coffee using dip coffee maker... I love that flavor!

Valerie said...

Gosh I remember my percolator. Always in use until someone bought one of those coffee machines. That was before we moved away from coffee, of course.


 The tulip was up first but the peony is now spreading out and shoving the tulip around a bit.