Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Silent Trumpet.....

that has a form of a musical instrument,
graceful as a swan with sleekness of line.
Fragrance adds to the form of three dimensions
while reminding us of its purpose to beautify the world
in a so temporary moment.


Betsy Brock said...

Haha...I don't know...I think it's shouting "Spring!"

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon, Larry. This is a beautiful photo and I can imagine how sweet the fragrance is. Enjoy the afternoon and evening.

claude said...

I love this flower, it smells so good.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful perspective and describe on the flower

Kay said...

Sure looks like spring at your house Larry. I love the white daffodils. All of mine are yellow and all of them have already bloom and wilted.
