Thursday, March 31, 2016

Red and Yellow Flutters.......

I have been busy at the kitchen window the past two days.  Yesterday morning it was the day for the house finches to visit.  Their red heads seem to be brighter now that it is spring.  I really rarely ever saw them at the bird feeder all winter but the thistle seed sock is one of their favorites.

The goldfinches have given me quite a show this morning as they battle for a postion on the feeder.  They have really turned more yellow now and I think they are close to be in their full summer feathers.  The female is actually brown most of the summer and I have had a few of them at the feeder.


Anonymous said...

So pretty! Thanks for sharing the beauty with us.

claude said...

Pretty birds !

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm going to have to have a go at these socks. I know feeders don't work here- the cowbirds and barn swallows are too piggy. Nice shots of the pretty birds!

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture on the birds! Pretty colorful
