Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Surprise.........

Cold and snowing on Saturday makes for a fine mess.  We didn't really get that much but the cold is not welcomed. 

I missed an anniversary back on March 3rd.  I forgot to mention it as I don't keep things like that on my calendar. I started in 2009. It has been seven years when I first started this blog and I posted a pretty picture of a white bridge with lots of pink coneflowers in front of it.

The coneflowers are all gone now and the bridge rotted out and has been removed from the yard. So many things have taken place in our lives  the last 9 years with both good and bad memories.  I don't even think about quitting unless I would take a job for a newspaper.  I don't plan on doing that ever.  Thanks for following me no matter how long you have been hanging around.  Oh yes, good bye if you have had enough.


Betsy Brock said...

Oh, that first photo is especially beautiful!

The Furry Gnome said...

Congrats on keeping it going so steadily!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Love the pictures, they could be used as a postcard....

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogging anniversary. I started blogging in late 2008 after mother passed away. It has been a blessing to meet you and your wife thru blogging and to follow along. You two are both talented and creative artists. The tremors have made me take a break from blogging but I still enjoy checking in on my friends.

Your tree looks beautiful with the snow. I am thankful that our area did NOT have ice this March. Last March is when we lost power due to an ice storm and shortly thereafter little Harriet passed away.

Architecture with Frosting....