Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Early Spring Dining......

I didn't get the sock filled today so they will be hanging upside down to get see from it. The finches both house and goldfinch have been enjoying the easy pickings.I have never seen that red on the back of the bird before.  I wonder how much of it is red when it raises its wings to fly.


Jeevan said...

Looks the sock feeder helps u observing more on birds. Hope u refill to see more birds

Linda said...

Beautiful, Larry!

Anonymous said...

So delightful to see the incredible details of the bird.

Valerie said...

Nice picture. Wondering now if a sock feeder would defeat the squirrel.


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...