Monday, April 4, 2016

Moon and the Sun.....

I took many shots trying to figure out how to get a focus photo of the moon.  It worked best with  my camera by zooming in a little. There was enough scattered light from the sunrise that the camera allowed me to take the shot.

The view that I first see when I take our small dag outside is this.  I never know what it will look like when I look east.  The house was in the road so I couldn't get far enough left to get the moon out of the trees.  It is fun for me to keep trying and keep learning with this camera. When the sunrise advances the moon will be a white sliver in the sky.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful start to your day. I love your header photo, also.

Valerie said...

You got an excellent shot of the moon; my attempts always fail.

Jeevan said...

I love shooting moon and of course shooting in dim or twilight is a challenge, but you worked well on the front. I used to zoom on moon in my point and shoot (14x optical zoom) and get enough detail. But these trees should be hindrance for you, but there’s beauty in it too.


  The sunrise with color lasted only for a few minutes.  Its a cloudy day and the sun is covered over with the clouds. The earth is tilting ...