Sunday, April 10, 2016

Morning Sky.......

It is early morning and the small dog has me up and outside. I could smell the amonia from farm fields and a few Canada geese were flying in the sky. It had warmed up in the night and and it was a good surprise.  The white bank shown is a cloud also but does look like a mountain covered with snow.

The clouds were moving through so quickly and the sun was blocked most of the time that I was out there.  The sun was actually up above the horizon and once the clouds moved away it was instant sunshine.

It was a great morning to see cloud formations in the east.  The one maple tree seems cut off and yet it makes one think that the tree too was watching the morning sky.


Anonymous said...

All these pics are pretty but I love the last one especially.

Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture on the morning sky! The bare trees make wonderful foreground against the pretty cloudy sky.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful isn't it.

I have been under the weather with a first time cold for years. So I got a dozie.
