Friday, April 1, 2016

Repeating the Theme........

I showed birds yesterday and today I will show them again.  I wanted you to see this bird at the bottom of the feeder.  From what I can find in my research is that this could be a female goldfinch. It seems those who put out info about the goldfinch are only interested in the male bird.  They show photos of the males repeatedly but do just a written description of the female bird.  I would really like to know if the female does get to be brightly colored as the male or if it will stay this color all summer. I liked this photo most because of the bottom bird plus the positioning of the three of them.


Anonymous said...

You captured a great shot. I am curious about the female too.

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks like a female Goldfinch to me; we have a flock most of the winter. I believe they stay that colour (or close) all summer. They have to look inconspicuous when they're sitting on the nest!

Valerie said...

It seems male and female goldfinches are identical. I checked a couple of bird books and there is no mention of a female, although all other birds show male and female. All show the juveniles though and your picture looks like the ones in the books.

Jeevan said...

I think mostly in birds, the males have bright colors compare to females. For ex. The peacocks are more colourful than peahen with unique/long feathers.

Nice capture here
