Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday's Tones........

The sun shines through the leaves making the red leaves of the coral bells a special sight. I bought thi plant  last fall and it seems to have wintered through well.

I have a bonus photo today of the sun causing the lilac to look yellow green.  The cold weather does not bother the lilac as they seem to be one of the earliest shrubs to leaf out before they bloom.


Anonymous said...

Lilac is one of my favorites. I have not had coral bells in many years. Yours is so pretty with the sun lighting up the leaves. Hope your mouth feels better today and dental problems are behind you now. John has worked a little each day for over a year in our back yard - I honored him with a post today if you get a chance to visit.

claude said...

Light on colors make beautiful photos, Larry.
I love the first leaves.

Jeevan said...

Great captures and the lights truly delight!
