Sunday, May 1, 2016

Its a Tradition......or a Rut..

Every spring I take a snap of the honeysuckle in front of the blue gate. The flowers themselves have done better than I expected.  The wind has been so bad for so many days that a focused shot was hard to achieve.  So today I post it again, the view in the backyard with honeysuckles in bloom and the backyard gate.


Kay said...

I vote for tradition.

Betsy Brock said...

How pretty! Makes me want a honeysuckle vine!

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice tradition; nice picture!

George said...

The gate is a beautiful background for the honeysuckle blossoms. I enjoy your annual tradition.

Jack Frost......

 When it is -14 degrees outside the frost has to form.  Between the heat inside and the double pane window outside, the minimal amount of mo...