Thursday, May 26, 2016

Two New Blooms........

I am up early with the dog and the sun shines brightly giving me a strong light on this new iris. The iPhone picture is adequate but not my best work.  I bought this iris last summer and planted it so as to give it time to establish itself. I don't always succeed in getting them to bloom the next spring but it did this time. I guess it does make sense to get as much growth out of them even if they are new.  I know normally an iris planted in the fall will never bloom in the spring.

Another first time new bloom for me is this reddish one.  This iris doesn't weather well in the rain as you can see the standards, vertical parts, collapsed in the rain. I have one more bud that may give me a chance to get a perfect shot of a bloom in good shape. The above iris is more in the open and the rain didn't effect it at all. I suppose the random cross breeding doesn't mean they all get the best traits.


George said...

These are a couple of beautiful irises. I'm glad they bloomed for you this year.

Caroline Gill said...

What a picture your garden must look, Larry, with these superb iris blooms! I hope you pick up your paintbrush ... Thank you for visiting my blog recently.

Kay said...

Very pretty. I like the dark red one.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...