Sunday, June 12, 2016

Buried Bumblebee.........

I haven't seen many honey bees in the garden but the bumblebees seem to be plentiful. I kept trying to get a good shot of this guy and he kept crawling inside the rose as far as he could go.

Here he is again on a different rose flower. It is a hot day and they seem to work faster when it is this kind of weather.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty photos. I always enjoy watching the bees in the garden.

Valerie said...

You would think bees would pose for the camera. You got reasonable shots though and the rose looked gorgeous.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Busy busy! In this heat I would make short work of it too!

Anonymous said...

So pretty the roses. He sure is a busy bee.

Betsy Brock said...

He was too busy to notice you there! haha.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love these photos! Buried bumblebees - I always associate bumblebees with spring beauty :)

Warmer Weather.....