Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Grandma's Lily.......

The regale lily was a hand down from my mom that originally was owned by my grandmother. She would show off her lily as it grew tall and strong.  She held it up with heavy binding twine, tied to nails she had hammered into the side of the house.  She counted the number of blooms each year remembering the number from the year before. I always knew that I could buy the variety again but I really did like the idea that it has been in the family since the 70s.

It has been slow to bloom but it seems to be starting to open up couple of  buds at a time.  I have a brace system for it to  keep any weather from knocking it to the ground.  I didn't have any old binding twine around to put on it but grandma used what she had to do the things that needed to get done.


Valerie said...

It's quite wonderful that the lily has been around for so long. A real family heirloom.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and a real treasure.

Jeevan said...

Really wonderful how u carried up with this lily from your grandmother's time. Lovely blossom... and interesting to note how she remember the number of bloom.

Color Blends.....

 Thursday morning glow of the start of the day is seen with all these blended colors.Leaves are not started to bud yet but soon the view wil...