Thursday, June 30, 2016


I only have two stalks of hollyhocks.  The one white one has frilly multiple petals in its flowers.  The other one is just a plain looking white hollyhock.  I did see pink the other day and I was surprised.  I now see that the shriveling white flower turns pink as it shrinks.

This single plain flower is shown below. When genetics is taught in high school, the traits of a hollyhock are used as they apparently have dominate  traits that make them grow with different traits. My neighbors many hollyhocks directly across the street are mostly pink.


claude said...

I love these flowers !

Jeevan said...

Lovely blossoms and nicely captured!

Kay said...

Very nice photos of the flowers.

Anonymous said...

Such sweet and delicate blooms.

Sunrise Surprise.....

 I was up earlier than usual and looked out to see what was happeing with the sunrise. It was a pleasant surprise to see the moon up there.