Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Red Hot Blooms......

It has been a perfect spring to help bring out abundant blooms on the lilies.  I forgot how red this flower is but I did get a true capture of its color.

I kept checking on the conditions of the light throughout the day and bright sun was not the perfect time for a photo. The evening photo above was the best time to take the image. I normally only have a couple of blooms in the summer but this year I can see over a dozen buds yet to bloom.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I agree, the lighting makes the color pop in the top photo. Your lilies are pretty. Have a wonderful day!

Kay said...


Jeevan said...

Absolutely brilliant and vibrant in colors! I prefer morning as perfect time for taking photos and evening isn’t a bad time too if there was enough light

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous capture of this beauty.
