Monday, June 6, 2016

Slant Shot......

This new purchase has proven to be a good buy with the iris have six or more blooms.  I take more shots of it as it is about done blooming.  I will have to wait a full year to see it bloom again.  The beard on this iris has an orange cast and when it is seen down like this the blue and orange mix visual colors to give it a brown color.

These are the last two on the last of the two stems. I again tilted the camera to get the shot.  The metal stake used to keep the stem upright adds a little accent color to the shot. The rain gets the ground to be so soft and then a gust a wind takes them down pretty quickly.


Anonymous said...

They are really pretty. In order to take a photo of Theo's face, I have to stand him up on an ottoman or chair or something because I can't get low enough!

Betsy Brock said...


Jeevan said...

These are beautiful and the orange makes odd coloring to the blue white combo... but shouldn't have lost the grip sooner.

Anonymous said...

I thought you or your wife painted the first one. Beautiful!


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...