Saturday, June 25, 2016


The sun glows over the cornfield giving it the warmth it needs to make the plants grow.  The high humidity makes the corn grow well regardless that we have very dry soil.

The corn here was planted early and it has done well. It seems like you can see corn going on forever across to the horizon.  In reality, you can see it growing up over the hill and beyond as it is the crop of choice for the farmers again this year.  Corn loves hot humid weather and that is what we have had for a couple of weeks now.  A good rain would be nice to see in the future.


Anonymous said...

Good Evening, Beautiful views of the corn field. It is so hot and dry here, also. We would love to have rain but none is forecast. Wishing you both a pleasant Sat. evening.

Jeevan said...

Seems like its going to be a great harvesting this year there. Wonderful heat and light

Mourning Dove...