Thursday, June 2, 2016

Surprise Pink Spot......

I bought this cactus like plant a year ago or more and now it starts to bloom.  I see it has formed three or four buds.  My Christmas cactus have all died but this one is doing well.  I instantly watered it when I saw the bloom and later wondered why I had done that.  I think it getting dry and being watered lightly helps it to bloom.  I won't water it again for a long time.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
What a pretty color of bloom. I love the pot, too. Wishes for a nice day.

Linda said...

This is lovely, Larry!

Kay said...

Very pretty.

claude said...

Pretty flower ! I have the same plant, flowers are red and do not look yours. Have a nice week-end, Larry !

The Tank Thug.....

 I went to the aquarium part of a pet store yesterday to buy some more tropical fish. To my surprise the entire wall of aquariums were gone....