Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Visiting Monarch.......

The photo above is one of a larger than life monarch butterfly.  It is the first that I have seen this summer feeding on the zinnias. It is the only one at this time that is out there.  I have been seeing monarchs along the highways where they are feeding and flying up into traffic.

The monarch flaps it wings open to lift off of a flower so you need to be fast with a better camera than I have to catch it.  I noticed that they open really wide for about a second or two and then they flip up into the air.  The landing is open winged also but they shut close those wings immediately to start eating. 


Betsy Brock said...

She's beautiful! What a lovely first photo. That second one..yikes...it's migraine inducing. lol....

Kay said...

Just beautiful.

claude said...

A so beautiful butterfly !
I have a painting done by a french friend who lives in North Carolina.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had success growing zinnias. I sure love watching butterflies.

Unplanned Accident....

 I shot this while trying to text my wife photo and message. It looks like a planned composition.